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Information-theoretic security is a cryptosystem whose security derives purely from information theory; the system cannot be broken even if the adversary has unlimited computing power. The cryptosystem is considered cryptanalytically unbreakable if the adversary does not have enough information to … Perfect-Privacy - 53 Photos - Computers (Brand) Geheimdienste wollen Hardware bei Internet-Providern installieren, um Staatstrojaner in Datenverkehr einzuschleusen. Das steht in einem Gesetzentwurf zum Verfassungsschutzrecht, den die Bundesregierung nächste Woche beschließen will. Vodafone Germany - Wikipedia Vodafone GmbH is a German subsidiary of Vodafone Group plc, a company based in the UK.It provides mobile phone, DSL, LTE, cable internet, landlines, cable TV and IPTV services to customers in Germany. As of the fourth quarter of 2019, Vodafone GmbH has 51 million mobile customers in Germany, making it the largest provider of mobile phone services in Germany. Perfect Privacy Review - expensive, but not perfect | VPN Room

Jan 12, 2019

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